Francesco CALOGERO
Professor |
Born: 6 February 1935, Fiesole, Italy
- February 1958, graduated ["laurea in fisica"] cum laude in Rome
Current Professional Status:
Areas of Expertise:
- integrable nonlinear evolution partial differential equations,
- solvable dynamical systems,
- scattering theory,
- quantum field theory, nuclear many-body problem,
- special functions,
- finite-dimensional representations of operators,
numerical computation of the eigenvalues of differential operators
- scientific publications (in English): 3 books and
over 300 papers;
- publications on science and society: several books and about 390 papers (half in English)
Main Scientific Publications (Books):
- F. Calogero, Variable phase approach to potential scattering, Academic
Press, New York, 1967 (translated into Russian in 1972).
- F. Calogero and A. Degasperis, Spectral transform and solitons, North
Holland, Amsterdam, 1982 (translated into Russian in 1985).
- F. Calogero,
Classical many-body problems amenable to exact treatments
(Lecture Notes in Physics Monograph m66), Springer, 2001.
Some Results on Integrable Systems:
- introduction and solution of the quantum
one-dimensional many-body problem with inverse square two-body potentials;
- discovery via the Lax technique of the integrability of a class of classical
many-body problems (first introduction of elliptic interactions in many-body
integrable models; first introduction of functional equations in this
- introduction of a new technique to identify integrable
one-dimensional many-body problems, with many examples (later extended to
rotation-invariant two-body problems);
- introduction of a new general
technique to identify and investigate integrable nonlinear PDEs;
- spectral interpretation of Bäcklund transformations;
- identification of several new integrable nonlinear PDEs (with A. Degasperis);
- elaboration of the multiscale reduction technique (in the form introduced by W. Eckhaus) and
introduction of the notion of "universal" equations, which are therefore both
integrable and widely applicable;
- introduction of a
technique to discover integrable many-body problems in ordinary
(three-dimensional) space, with several new examples characterized by
rotation-invariant Newtonian equations of motion (with M. Bruschi);
- introduction of the notion of "nonlinear harmonic oscillator", with
interesting examples (with V. Inozemtsev);
- investigation of "isochronous systems" (system that
possess an open region having full dimensionality in their phase space where
all solutions are completely periodic with a fixed period), with the
observation that "such systems are not rare" (indeed, almost any dynamical
system can be deformed so that the deformed system is isochronous);
- investigation of the behavior of certain isochronous systems outside of
their phased-space region of isochronicity, and of a mechanism to explain
(as travel over Riemann surfaces) the transition from ordered to disordered
motions, including the onset of a new kind of deterministic chaos.
Mailing Address:
Department of Physics
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
p. Aldo Moro
I-00185 ROMA (Italy)
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