Nikolai A. Kudryashov
Prof., PhD, Sc.Dr.
Head of Department of Applied Mathematics |
Born: September 19, 1945, Russia
Education and Degrees:
- M.S. in Theoret. and Math. Physics,
March 3, 1974,
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
- Ph. D. in math. Physics,
November 13, 1978
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
- Doctor of Sciences in Mathemat. Physics,
April 2, 1986,
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
Current Professional Status:
- Head of Department of Applied Mathematics of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia;
Memberships and awards:
- State Prize Laureate of USSR, Soros Professor, Meritorious Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
- Grant Holder and Colaborator of:
- Soros Educational program
- International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)
- US Civilian Research and Development Foundation
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Editorial Board of the website EqWorld:
The World of Mathematical Equations (http://eqworld.ipmnet.ru);
Research interests:
- Theory of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (ODEs and PDEs)
- Integrable and nonintegrable models, Painleve analysis of nonlinear differential equations
- Analytical exact solutions for nonlinear PDEs
- Conservation laws and first integrals
- Local and nonlocal symmetries and transformations for ODEs and PDEs
- Solitons and self-similar solutions
- Mathematical Modelling of nonlinear waves processes
- Continuum mechanics, Fluid and gas dynamics
- Biophysics (Hemodynamics) and symbolical sequences
- Ecology and Earth sciences (modelling of volcanoes and tsunamis)
- Numerical methods
- Difference equations
- Finite-difference and spectral schemes, finite element methods
- Application to modelling of nonlinear wave processes
Teaching courses:
- Mathematical problems in Hydrogasodynamics
- Nonlinear problems of mathematical physics
- Introduction to nonlinear dynamics
- Lie groups for ODEs
- Finite-Difference Methods
- Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
- Intoduction to solitons
Selected Publications:
- Nikolai A. Kudryashov, Seven common errors in finding exact solutions of nonlinear differential equations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, (2009), V. 14, I. 9-10, pp. 3507-3529
- Nikolai A. Kudryashov, On "new travelling wave solutions" of the KdV and the KdV-Burgers equations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, (2009), V.14, I.5, pp. 1891-1900
- Nikolai A. Kudryashov, Nadejda B. Loguinova, Be careful with the Exp-function method,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, (2009), V.14, I.5 pp. 1881-189
- Nikolai A. Kudryashov, Special polynomials associated with rational solutions of some hierarchies, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, (2009), V. 39, I. 3, pp. 1447-1462
- Nikolai A. Kudryashov, Nadejda B. Loguinova, Extended simplest equation method for nonlinear differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, (2008), V. 205, I. 1, pp. 396-402
- Nikolai A. Kudryashov, Maria V. Demina, The generalized Yablonskii-Vorob'ev polynomials and their properties, Physics Letters A, (2008), V. 372, I. 29, pp. 4885-4890
- Demina, M.V., Kudryashov, N.A., Sinel'Shchikov, D.I. The polygonal method for constructing exact solutions to certain nonlinear differential equations describing water waves, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, (2008), V. 48 (12), pp. 2182-2193
- Kudryashov, N.A., Demina, M.V., Relations between zeros of special polynomials associated with the Painleve equations, Physics Letters A,(2007), V. 368, I. 3-4, pp. 227-234.
- Kudryashov, N.A., Demina, M.V., Polygons of differential equations for finding exact solutions, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, (2007), V. 33, I. 5, pp. 1480-1496.
- Demina, M.V., Kudryashov, N.A., The Yablonskii-Vorob'ev polynomials for the second Painleve hierarchy, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,(2007), 32 (2), pp. 526-537.
- Kudryashov, N.A., Efimova, O.Yu., Power expansions for solution of the fourth-order analog to the first Painleve equation, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, (2006) , 30 (1), pp. 110-124
- N.A. Kudryashov, Simplest equation method to look for exact solutions of nonlinear differential equations,
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, (2005), 24, pp.1217-1231
- N.A. Kudryashov, Fuchs indices and the first integrals of nonlinear differential equations, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, (2005), v.26, No.2
- N.A. Kudryashov, Nonlinear differential equations with exact solutions expressed via the Weierstrass function,
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, (2004), v.59
- E.V.Korotkov, M.A.Korotkova, N.A. Kudryashov, Information decomposition method to analyze the symbolical sequences, Physics Letters A, (2003), v.312, 3-4, pp.198-310
- E.V. Korotkov, M.A. Korotkova, F.E. Frenkel, N.A. Kudryashov, The Informational Concept of Searching for Periodicity in Symbol Sequences, Molecular Biology, (2003), Vol.37, No.3, pp.372-386.
- M.B. Chaley, E.V. Korotkov, N.A. Kudryashov, Latent periodicity of 21 bases typical for MCP, Gene is widely present in various bacterial genes, DNA sequences, (2003), vol.14(1), pp.33-52
- N.A. Kudryashov, Amalgamations of the Painlevé equations, Journal of Math. Physics, (2003), v.44, 12
- N.A. Kudryashov, Fourth-order analogies to the Painleve equations, Journal of Physics A.: Math. General, (2002), v.35, pp.4617-4632
- N.A. Kudryashov, One Generalization of the second Painleve hierarchy, Journal of Physics A: Math. General, (2002), v.35, pp.93-99
- N.A. Kudryashov, M.B. Soukharev, Descrete equations corresponding to fourth-order differential equations of the P2 and K2 Hierarchies, Proceedings ANZIAM, Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, (2002)
- N.A. Kudryashov, Some fourth ordinary differential equations which pass the Painleve test, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, (2001), v.8, Supplement, Proceedinds:Needs 99
- N.A. Kudryashov, Double Backlund transformations and special integrals for the K II hierarchy, Physics Letters A, (2000), v.273, pp.194-202
- N.A. Kudryashov, Two hierarchies of ordinary differential equations and their properties,
Physics Letters A, (1999), 252, pp.173-179
- N.A. Kudryashov, Transcendents defined by nonlinear fourth order differential equations, Journal of Physics A: Math. and General, (1999), v.32, 6, pp.999-1014
- N.A. Kudryashov, S.N. Kolobanov, Numerical modeling of the distribution of radionuclides in porous media at strong damage of undeground nuclear power station, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, (1999), 42, pp.3695-3705.
- S.A. Chesnokov, N.A. Kudryashov, Yu.I. Sytsko, Numerical modeling of gravitational waves behaviour in the ocean with a shallow water approximation, Journal of Engineering Physics, (1999), v.72, No.6, pp.1180-1186 (in russian)
- N.A. Kudryashov, M.B. Soukharev, Uniformization and Transcendence of solutions for the first and second Painleve hierarchies, Physycs Letters A, (1998), v.237, pp.206-216
- N.A. Kudryashov, A. Pickering, Rational solutions for Schwarzian integrable hierarchies, Journal of Physics A: Math. and General, (1998), v.31, No.47, pp.9505-9518
- N.A. Kudryashov, On new transcendents defined by nonlinear ordinary differential equations, Journal of Physics A: Math. and General, (1998), v.31, No.6, pp.L129-L137
- N.A. Kudryashov, The first and the second Painleve equations of higher order and some relations between them, Physics Letters A, (1997), v.224, pp.353-360
- N.A. Kudryashov, The second Painleve equation as the model of electric field in a semiconductor, Physics Letters A, (1997), v.233, pp.397-400
- N.A. Kudryashov, Method for Deriving Rational Solutions of Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Journal of Physics A: Math. and General, (1997), v.30, pp.5445-5453
- N.A. Kudryashov, E.D. Zargaryan, Solitary waves in active-dissipative dispersive media, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, (1996), v.29, No.24, pp.8067-8077
- N.A. Kudryashov, From singular manifold equations to integrable evolution equation, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, (1994), v.27, No.4, pp.2457-2470
- N.A. Kudryashov, Singular manifold exations and exact solutions for some nonlinear partial differential equations, Physics Letters A, (1993), vol.182, No.4-6, pp.356-362
- N.A. Kudryashov, Truncated expansions and nonlinear integrable partial differential equations, Physics Letters A, (1993), vol.178, No.1-2, pp.99-104
- N.A. Kudryashov, Partial differential equations with solutions having movable first-order singularities, Physics Letters A, (1992), vol.169, No.4, pp.237-242
- S.S. Kucherenko, N.A. Kudryashov, Photoelectric characteristics of a semiconductor diode with an abrupt junction at high photoexcitation levels, Solid-State Electronics, (1992), Vol.35, No.7, pp.993-997
- N.A. Kudryashov, On types of nonlinear nonintegrable equations with exact solutions, Physics Letters A, (1991), vol.155, No.4-5, pp.269-275
- V.A. Arutyunov, N.A. Kudryashov, O.A. Mishin V.M. Samsonov, M.N. Strikhanov, Radiactive polarization of relativistic lepton beams in a bent crystals, Physics Letters A, (1991), vol.151, No.1-2, pp.122-124
- V.A. Arutyunov , N.A. Kudryashov, V.M. Samsonov, M.N. Strikhanov, Channeling radiation in a bent crystals, Physics Letters A, (1991), vol.151, No.9, pp.481-484
- V.A. Arutyunov, N.A. Kudryashov, M.N. Strikhanov, Radiation of Ultrarelatistic Charged Particles in a Bent Crystal, Nuclear Physics B, (1991), 263, p.283
- A.A. Alexeyev, N.A. Kudryashov, Non-abelian pseudopotentials and conservation laws of reaction-diffusion equations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, (1991), vol.24, No.6, pp.L255-L260
- N.A. Kudryashov, Exact solutions of generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, Physics Letters A, (1990), vol.147, No.5-6, pp.287-291
- V.A. Arutyunov, N.A. Kudryashov, O.A. Mishin, V.M. Samsonov, M.N. Strikhanov, Radiative polarization effects for relativistic beams in bent crystals, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, (1990), 52, pp.13-18
- N.A. Kudryashov, S.V. Petrovsky, V.M. Samsonov, M.N. Strikhanov, Energy Loss Distribution of Relativistic Charged Particls in Crystals, Physica status solidi (b), (1990), vol.157, No.2, pp.531-545
- N.A. Kudryashov, Exact soliton solutions of the generalized evolution equation of wave dynamics, Prikladnaya Mathematica i Mechanika, (1988), vol.52, No.3, pp.465-470 (translated from russian)
Mailing Address:
Room K-1106, Department of Applied Mathematics at Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MEPhI),
31 Kashirskoe shosse,
Moscow 115409, Russian Federation
E-mail: kudryashov@mephi.ru
Home page: http://www.primat.mephi.ru/~kudryashov/