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William E. Schiesser   


Ph.D., Professor

Education and Degree:

  • B.S., Lehigh University, 1955;
  • M.A., Princeton University, 1958;
  • Ph.D., Princeton University, 1960

Current Professional Status:

  • R.L. McCann Professor of Chemical Engineering and Professor of Mathematics, Lehigh University;
  • Visiting Professor, Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania


  • SIAM

Honours, Awards and Prizes:

  • Who's Who in America;
  • Eng.D., Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium

Areas of Expertise:

  • ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations,
  • differential algebraic equations, computational mathematics,
  • numerical software

Selected Publications (Books):

Recent Research Papers:

  • T. R. Taha, J. M. Hyman, L. Petzold, W. Schiesser (Editors), Special Issue on the Method of Lines, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2001.
  • A. Vande Wouwer, P. Saucez and W. E. Schiesser, Simulation of distributed parameter systems using a Matlab-based method of lines toolbox: Chemical engineering applications, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 43, No. 14, pp. 3469-3477, 2004.
  • S. Hamdi, W. H. Enright and W. E. Schiesser, Exact solutions and invariants of motion for general types of regularized long wave equations, in Wave Phenomena in Physics and Engineering, New Models, Algorithms and Applications, R. Melnik and A. Povitsky (eds.), Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 65, No. 4/5, pp. 535-545, 2004.
  • S. Hamdi, W. H. Enright, Y. Ouellet and W. E. Schiesser, Exact solutions of extended Boussinesq equations, Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 37, pp. 165-175, 2004.
  • G. W. Griffiths, Ph. Saucez, A. Vande Wouwer and W. E. Schiesser, Can a nonlinearity be neglected? An example, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Vol. 40, pp. 1393-1403, 2004.
  • R. M. Montesinos, A. Tejeda-Mansir, R. Guzman, J. Ortega and W. E. Schiesser, Analysis and simulation of frontal affinity chromatography of proteins, Separation Purification Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 75-84, 2005.
  • A. Vande Wouwer and W. E. Schiesser (Editors), Special Issue on the Method of Lines: dedicated to Keith Miller, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 183, No. 2, 2005.
  • S. Hamdi, W. H. Enright, Y. Ouellet and W. E. Schiesser, Method of Lines Solutions of the Extended Boussinesq Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 183, No. 2, pp. 327-342, 2005.
  • A. Vande Wouwer, P. Saucez, W. E. Schiesser and S. Thompson, A MATLAB Implementation of Upwind Finite Differences and Adaptive Grids in the Method of Lines, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 183, No. 2, pp. 245-258, 2005.
  • S. Hamdi, W. H. Enright, W. E. Schiesser and J. J. Gottlieb, Exact Solutions and Conservation Laws for Coupled Generalized Korteweg-de Vries and Quintic Regularized Long Wave Equations, Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 63, pp. e1425-e1434, 2005.
  • P. D. Calvert, K. J. Strissel, W. E. Schiesser, E. N. Pugh, Jr., and V. Y. Arshavsky, Light-driven Translocation of Signaling Proteins in Vertebrate Photoreceptors, Trends in Cell Biology, Vol. 16, pp. 560-568, 2006.
  • P. D. Calvert, J. A. Peet, A. Bragin, W. E. Schiesser, and E. N. Pugh, Jr., Fluorescence Relaxation in 3D from Diffraction-limited Sources of PAGFP or Sinks of EGFP Created by Multiphoton Photoconversion, J. Microscopy and Imaging, Vol. 225, pp. 49-71, 2007.
  • S. Hamdi, W. E. Schiesser and G. W. Griffiths, Method of lines, Scholarpedia, 2(7):2859, 2007.
  • A. D. Polyanin, W. E. Schiesser and A. I. Zhurov, Partial differential equation, Scholarpedia, 3(10):4605, 2008.
  • G. W. Griffiths and W. E. Schiesser, Linear and nonlinear waves, Scholarpedia, 4(7):4308, 2009.
  • P. D. Calvert, W. E. Schiesser, and E. N. Pugh, Jr., Diffusion of a soluble protein, photoactivatable GFP, through a sensory cilium, J. Gen. Physiol. Vol. 135, No. 3, 173-196, 2010 (pdf 14MB; djvu 1MB).
  • S. Hamdi, B. Morse, B. Halphen, and W. Schiesser, Analytical solutions of long nonlinear internal waves: Part I, Nat Hazards, Vol. 57, pp. 597-607, 2011 (pdf 351KB).
  • S. Hamdi, B. Morse, B. Halphen, and W. Schiesser, Analytical solutions of long nonlinear internal waves: Part II, Nat Hazards, Vol. 57, pp. 609-616, 2011 (pdf 241KB).
  • M. Najafi, M. Haeri, B. E. Knox, W. E. Schiesser, and P. D. Calvert, Impact of signaling microcompartment geometry on GPCR dynamics in live retinal photoreceptors, J. Gen. Physiol., Vol. 140, No. 3, pp. 249-266, 2012 (pdf 3.6MB).
  • P. W. C. Northorp, P. A. Ramachandran, W. E. Schiesser, and V. R. Subramanian, A robust false transient method of lines for elliptic partial differential equations, Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 90, pp. 32-39, 2013 (pdf 0.5MB).
Mailing Address:
Iacocca, B312
Lehigh University
111 Research Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA

E-mail: wes1@lehigh.edu
Home page: http://www.lehigh.edu/~wes1/wes1.html

Page last updated: 16 February 2015 Main page of the EqWorld website


Partial Diferential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Engineering

Adaptive Method of Lines

Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB

Computational Transport Phenomena

Computational Mathematics in Engineering and Applied Science: ODEs, DAEs, and PDEs

Recent Developments in Numerical Methods and Software for ODEs/DAEs/PDEs

Dynamic Modeling of Transport Process Systems

The Numerical Method of Lines: Integration of Partial Differential Equations

A Compendium of Partial Differential Equation Models: Method of Lines Analysis with Matlab

Traveling Wave Analysis of Partial Differential Equations: Numerical and Analytical Methods with Matlab and Maple