Valentin Fedorovich ZAITSEV
29 September 1945 – 13 February 2018
Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor |
Born: 29 September 1945, Uglovoye, Primorski Territory, Russia
Education and Degrees:
- M.Sc., 1969, Faculty of Radioelectronics of the Leningrad State Polytechnical Institute;
- Ph.D., 1983, Leningrad State University;
- D.Sc., 1992, Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg.
Professional Status:
- Professor, Russian State Pedagogical University
- Editorial Board of the Journal Problems of Nonlinear Analysis in Engineering Systems;
- Editorial Board of the Electronic Journal Differential Equations and Control Processes;
- Editorial Board of the Website EqWorld: The
World of Mathematical Equations
Honours, Awards and Prizes:
- Listed in numerous biographical reference books and dictionaries
in USA and UK.
Areas of Expertise:
- ordinary differential equations, group analysis,
- mathematical physics, partial differential equations,
- ordinary functional differential equations,
- mathematical modeling, mathematical methods of music.
Main Achievements:
- The developer of discrete-group analysis of ordinary differential equations.
- Many new general and exact solutions of Abel, Emden-Fowler and other nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations.
- Fundamental reference books on ordinary and partial differential equations, which are well known and often cited in the world.
- more than 20 books in English, Russian, and
German including several best-selling handbooks;
- more than 130 research papers and one patent.
Books in English
- V. F. Zaitsev and A. D. Polyanin,
Discrete-Group Methods for Integrating
Equations of Nonlinear Mechanics, CRC Press/Begell House,
Boca Raton–Ann Arbor, 1994.
- A. D. Polyanin and V. F. Zaitsev,
Handbook of Exact Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations, CRC Press,
Boca Raton–New York, 1995.
- A. D. Polyanin, V. F. Zaitsev, and A. Moussiaux,
Handbook of First Order Partial Differential Equations,
Taylor & Francis, London, 2002.
- A. D. Polyanin and V. F. Zaitsev,
Handbook of Exact Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd Edition (Updated and Extended),
Boca Raton–New York, 2003.
- A. D. Polyanin and V. F. Zaitsev,
Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton–London, 2004.
- A. D. Polyanin and V. F. Zaitsev,
Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation,
2nd Edition (Updated, Revised and Extended),
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton–London, 2012.
- A. D. Polyanin and V. F. Zaitsev,
Handbook of Ordinary Differential Equations: Exact Solutions, Methods, and Problems, CRC Press, Boca Raton–London, 2018.
Books in German
- A. D. Polyanin, V. F. Zaitsev,
Handbuch der linearen Differentialgleichungen, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg–Berlin, 1996.
- A.D. Poljanin, V.F. Sajzew,
Sammlung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt am Main, 1996.
Books in Russian:
click here
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