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Higher-Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations

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5. Higher-Order Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
y′′′ = Axαyβ.
Emden--Fowler equation of the third-order.
y′′′ = ay− 5/2 + by− 7/2.
y′′′ = f(y).
yy′′′ = f(x).
y′′′′ = Ay− 5/3.
y′′′′ = f(y).
F(x, y′, y′′, ..., y(n)) = 0.
The equation does not depend on y explicitly.
F(y, y′, y′′, ..., y(n)) = 0.
Autonomous equation.
F(x, xy′′ − my, y(m+1), y(m+2), ..., y(n)) = 0, m = 1, 2, ..., n − 1.
F(xkym, xy′/y, x2y′′/y, ..., xny(n)/y) = 0.
Generalized homogeneous equation.
F(eαxym, y′/y, y′′/y, ..., y(n)/y) = 0.
F(xmeαy, xy′, x2y′′, ..., xny(n)) = 0.
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