The World of Mathematical Equations |
Mathematica: A powerful symbolic computation system by Wolfram Research
Maple: An alternative symbolic computation system by Waterloo Maple, Inc.
A popular system for numerical solution of differential equations and data visualization
by The MathWorks, Inc.
- The DOE ACTS Collection:
The Advanced CompuTational Software (ACTS) Collection is a set of software tools for computation sciences.
List of Computer Algebra Systems, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The REDUCE Computer Algebra System
Maxima, a free version of the computer algebra system
Macsyma for the manipulation of symbolic and
numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms,
ordinary differential equations, and others.
MathCad, a Computer Algebra System
A package for analytic solution of differential equations. Can be used to obtain
solutions via e-mail.
- VODE_F90 Ordinary Differential Equation Solver:
The source code and other downloadable materials.
- Guide to Available Mathematical Software (GAMS): A cross-index and virtual repository of mathematical and statistical software components of use in computational science and engineering
- Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures (NIST): The dictionary of algorithms,
algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions
FOLDOC - Computing Dictionary: The free on-line dictionary of computing is a searchable
dictionary of terms from computing and related fields
Numerical Solutions: A library of mathematical programs
Stat/Math Center: Numerical Computing Resources on the Internet
Netlib: A collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases
NA-Net: A system developed to serve the community of numerical analysts and other researchers
NA Digest: A collection of articles on topics related to numerical analysis and those who practice it
Fortran Library, Free Software/Patches
DESSolver v1.7: Java-Applet: Ordinary Differential Equation System Solver
Math Forum, Software for Differential Equations
Software - Differential Equations: General ressources and methods for ODEs and PDEs
Scientific Computing World: Software reviews (Partial Differential Equations)
Mathcom: Partial Differential Equations and Finite Element Modeling
MGNet: Free Software
CFD codes list: Free Software
Computer Handbook of ODEs: An on-line Computer-Handbook of methods for solving Ordinary Differential Equations
UW-L Math Calculator, Calculus, Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Statistics, and Others
mor4ansys: A model order reduction for ANSYS to speed up transient
and harmonic simulation for a system of ODEs obtained by the finite element method
- Phaser Scientific Software: A Universal Simulator For Dynamical Systems
General directories where mathematical software resources can be found
See also:
Wolfram Functions Site, more than 87,000 formulas used by physicists,
mathematicians, computer scientists, and engineers;
the compilation from Wolfram Research maker of the software package Mathematica,
also features more than 10,000 graphs and animations of the functions.
Statistics Online Computational Resources: interactive distributions, statistical analysis,
virtual probability-related experiments and demonstrations, computer games, and others.
The R Project for Statistical Computing, a free statistics program
from nonlinear modeling to time-series analysis and include many graphing options.
- Computer History Museum:
The world's largest and most significant history museum for preserving and presenting the
computing revolution and its impact on the human experience.
- The Virtual Museum of Computing (VMoC):
an eclectic collection of World Wide Web hyperlinks connected with the history of computing and
on-line computer-based exhibits available both locally and around the world
EEVL: Internet Guide to Engineering, Mathematics and Computing,
cross-search 20 databases in engineering, maths and computing.
Wavelet Tutorial, the tutorial explains how wavelet analysis works and
delineates its advantage--superior resolution--over other methods of signal
analysis, such as the Fourier transform.
- TOP500: Supercomputer sites
The ACM Portal: the Association for Computing Machinery
Scilab: A Free Scientific Software Package
The deal.II: Finite Element Differential Equations Analysis Library
CFD Resources Online: Software, Modeling and Numerics, etc.
Software: Fluid Dynamics, General Numerical Software and Others
Free Statistical Software
Free Software: download free software packages for
Scientific-Engineering Purposes
Ordinary Differential Equations - Finite Series Solutions
Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics: Pi and other constants

The EqWorld website presents extensive information on solutions to
various classes of ordinary differential equations, partial differential
equations, integral equations, functional equations, and other mathematical
Copyright © 2004-2017 Andrei D. Polyanin