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Open-Access Journals on Mathematical Equations
- Advances in Difference Equations.
ISSN: 16871839, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Keywords: difference equations, differential equations. Start year: 2004.
- Boundary Value Problems.
ISSN: 16872762, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Keywords: differential equations, boundary value problems. Start year: 2005.
- Differential Equations and Control Processes.
ISSN: 18172172. Saint-Petersburg State Technical University. Keywords: differential equations, nonlinear dynamics, control processes, computation, algorithms. Start year: 1997.
- Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics.
ISSN: 16874099, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Keywords: non-linear phenomena, computational techniques, differential equations. Start year: 2006.
- Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations.
ISSN: 1548159X, International Press of Boston, Inc. Keywords: partial differential equations. Start year: 2004.
- Electronic Journal of Differential Equations.
ISSN: 10726691, Texas State University-San Marcos. Keywords: ODE's, PDE's, integral equations, functional differential equations. Start year: 1993.
- Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations.
ISSN: 14173875, Bolyai Institute & University of Szeged. Keywords: differential equations, integral equations, qualitative theory. Start year: 1998.
- Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry.
ISSN: 18129471, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Keywords: mathematical physics, mathematical analysis, geometry. Start year: 2005.
- Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics.
ISSN: 14029251. Atlantis Press. Keywords: mathematical physics, mathematics, applied mathematics, nonlinear equations, integrability, Lie algebras, quantum algebras, quantum chaos, painleve analysis, differential geometry. Start year: 1994.
- Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 10866655, Universitat de Barcelona. Keywords: mathematics, physics. Start year: 1995.
Other Open-Access Mathematics Journals
- Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society.
ISSN: 02730979, American Mathematical Society. Keywords: mathematics. Start year: 1992.
- Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis.
ISSN: 10689613, Kent State University Library. Keywords: mathematics, algorithms, linear algebra. Start year: 1993.
- International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.
ISSN: 14730111, Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Keywords: mathematics teaching, mathematics learning. Start year: 2000.
- International Journal of Algebra.
ISSN: 13128868, Hikari Ltd. Keywords: algebra, pure mathematics. Start year: 2007.
- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.
ISSN: 01611712, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Keywords: mathematics, mathematical physics, theoretical mechanics, probability, mathematical statistics, mathematical biology. Start year: 1978.
- Journal of Applied Mathematics.
ISSN: 1110757X, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Keywords: applied mathematics, computational mathematics, industrial mathematics . Start year: 2001.
- Journal of Mathematics and Statistics.
ISSN: 15493644, Science Publications. Keywords: mathematics, statistics. Start year: 2005.
- Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications.
ISSN: 19356439, Mathematical Association of America. Keywords: mathematics. Start year: 2001.
- Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics.
ISSN: 18189962, Kazanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet. Keywords: mathematics. Start year: 1998.
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
ISSN: 1024123X, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Keywords: aerospace engineering, bioengineering, chemical engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, differential equations, stochastic processes, nonlinear analysis. Start year: 1995.
- The New York Journal of Mathematics.
ISSN: 10769803, Electronic Journals Project. Keywords: mathematics. Start year: 1994.
Lists of Open-Access Mathematics Journals

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