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Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists > Contents > 12. Ordinary Differential Equations

12. Ordinary Differential Equations
- 12.1. First-Order Differential Equations
- 12.1.1. General Concepts. The Cauchy Problem. Uniqueness and Existence Theorems
- 12.1.2. Equations Solved for the Derivative. Simplest Techniques of Integration
- 12.1.3. Exact Differential Equations. Integrating Factor
- 12.1.4. Riccati Equation
- 12.1.5. Abel Equations of the First Kind
- 12.1.6. Abel Equations of the Second Kind
- 12.1.7. Equations Not Solved for the Derivative
- 12.1.8. Contact Transformations
- 12.1.9. Approximate Analytic Methods for Solution of Equations
- 12.1.10. Numerical Integration of Differential Equations
- 12.2. Second-Order Linear Differential Equations
- 12.2.1. Formulas for the General Solution. Some Transformations
- 12.2.2. Representation of Solutions as a Series in the Independent Variable
- 12.2.3. Asymptotic Solutions
- 12.2.4. Boundary Value Problems
- 12.2.5. Eigenvalue Problems
- 12.2.6. Theorems on Estimates and Zeros of Solutions
- 12.3. Second-Order Nonlinear Differential Equations
- 12.3.1. Form of the General Solution. Cauchy Problem
- 12.3.2. Equations Admitting Reduction of Order
- 12.3.3. Methods of Regular Series Expansions with Respect to the Independent Variable
- 12.3.4. Movable Singularities of Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations. Painleve Transcendents
- 12.3.5. Perturbation Methods of Mechanics and Physics
- 12.3.6. Galerkin Method and Its Modifications (Projection Methods)
- 12.3.7. Iteration and Numerical Methods
- 12.4. Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order
- 12.4.1. Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients
- 12.4.2. Linear Equations with Variable Coefficients
- 12.4.3. Asymptotic Solutions of Linear Equations
- 12.4.4. Collocation Method and Its Convergence
- 12.5. Nonlinear Equations of Arbitrary Order
- 12.5.1. Structure of the General Solution. Cauchy Problem
- 12.5.2. Equations Admitting Reduction of Order
- 12.6. Linear Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
- 12.6.1. Systems of Linear Constant-Coefficient Equations
- 12.6.2. Systems of Linear Variable-Coefficient Equations
- 12.7. Nonlinear Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
- 12.7.1. Solutions and First Integrals. Uniqueness and Existence Theorems
- 12.7.2. Integrable Combinations. Autonomous Systems of Equations
- 12.7.3. Elements of Stability Theory
- References for Chapter 12
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The EqWorld website presents extensive information on solutions to
various classes of ordinary differential equations, partial differential
equations, integral equations, functional equations, and other mathematical
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