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Mathematical Books > Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists > Contents > T7. First-Order Partial Differential Equations

Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists

A. D. Polyanin and A. V. Manzhirov,
Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2006

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T7. First-Order Partial Differential Equations

  • T7.1. Linear Equations
    • T7.1.1. Equations of the Form f(x, y)wx + g(x, y)wy = 0
    • T7.1.2. Equations of the Form f(x, y)wx + g(x, y)wy = h(x, y)
    • T7.1.3. Equations of the Form f(x, y)wx + g(x, y)wy = h(x, y)w + r(x, y)
  • T7.2. Quasilinear Equations
    • T7.2.1. Equations of the Form f(x, y)wx + g(x, y)wy = h(x, y, w)
    • T7.2.2. Equations of the Form wx + f(x, y, w)wy = 0
    • T7.2.3. Equations of the Form wx + f(x, y, w)wy = g(x, y, w)
  • T7.3. Nonlinear Equations
    • T7.3.1. Equations Quadratic in One Derivative
    • T7.3.2. Equations Quadratic in Two Derivatives
    • T7.3.3. Equations with Arbitrary Nonlinearities in Derivatives
  • References for Chapter T7

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