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3. Nonlinear Systems of Two Ordinary Differential Equations

3.1. Systems of First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations; x = x(t), y = y(t)

  1. x′ = xnF(x, y),   y′ = g(y) F(x, y).
  2. x′ = eλxF(x, y),   y′ = g(y) F(x, y).
  3. x′ = F(x, y),   y′ = G(x, y).    Autonomous system of general form.
  4. x′ = f1(x) g1(y) Φ(x, y, t),   y′ = f2(x) g2(y) Φ(x, y, t).
  5. x = tx′ + F(x′, y′),   y = ty′ + G(x′, y′).    Clairaut system.

3.2. Systems of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations; x = x(t), y = y(t)

  1. x″ = xf(axby) + g(axby),   y″ = yf(axby) + h(axby).
  2. x″ = xf(y/x),   y″ = yg(y/x).
  3. x″ = kxr−3,   y″ = kyr−3;    r = (x2 + y2)1/2.    Equations of motion of a point mass in gravitational field.
  4. x″ = xf(r),   y″ = yf(r);    r = (x2 + y2)1/2.    Equations of motion of a point mass in central force field.
  5. x″ = xf(x2 + y2, y/x) − yg(y/x),   y″ = yf(x2 + y2, y/x) + xg(y/x).
  6. x″ = −f(y)g(v)x′,   y″ = −f(y)g(v)y′ − a;    v = [(x′)2 + (y′)2]1/2.    Equations of motion of a projectile.
  7. x″ + a(t)x = x−3f(y/x),   y″ + a(t)y = y−3g(y/x).    Generalized Ermakov (Yermakov) system.
  8. x″ = x−3F(x/φ(t), y/φ(t)),   y″ = y−3G(x/φ(t), y/φ(t));    φ(t) = (at2 + bt + c)1/2.
  9. x″ = f(y′/x′),   y″ = g(y′/x′).
  10. x″ = xΦ(x, y, t, x′, y′),   y″ = yΦ(x, y, t, x′, y′).
  11. x″ + x−3f(y/x) = xΦ(x, y, t, x′, y′),   y″ + y−3g(y/x) = yΦ(x, y, t, x′, y′).
  12. x″ = F(t, tx′ − x, ty′ − y),   y″ = G(t, tx′ − x, ty′ − y).
  13. x″ = x′Φ(x, y, t, x′, y′) + f(y),   y″ = −y′Φ(x, y, t, x′, y′) + g(x).
  14. x″ = ay′Φ(x, y, t, x′, y′) + f(x),   y″ = bx′Φ(x, y, t, x′, y′) + g(y).
  15. x″ = f(y′)Φ(x, y, t, x′, y′),   y″ = g(x′)Φ(x, y, t, x′, y′).

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