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Линейные уравнения математической физики
(линейные дифференциальные уравнения в частных производных)

Книги по линейным уравнениям математической
физики (по линейным дифференциальным уравнениям в частных производных)
Книги на русском языке
- Арсенин В. Я.
Методы математической физики и специальные функции.
М.: Наука, 1974.
- Бабич В. М., Капилевич М. Б., Михлин С. Г. и др.
Линейные уравнения математической физики.
М.: Наука, 1964.
- Бицадзе А. В.
Уравнения математической физики.
М.: Наука, 1985.
- Владимиров В. С.
Уравнения математической физики.
М.: Наука, 1971.
- Карслоу Г., Егер Д.
Теплопроводность твердых тел.
М.: Наука, 1964.
- Кошляков Н. С., Глинер Э. Б., Смирнов М. М.
Уравнения в частных производных математической физики.
М.: Высшая школа, 1970.
- Курант Р.
Уравнения с частными производными.
М.: Наука, 1962.
- Миллер У. (мл.).
Симметрия и разделение переменных.
М.: Мир, 1981.
- Морс Ф. М., Фешбах Г.
Методы теоретической физики, т. 1.
М.: Иностранная литература, 1958.
- Морс Ф. М., Фешбах Г.
Методы теоретической физики, т. 2.
М.: Иностранная литература, 1960.
- Петровский И. Г.
Лекции об уравнениях с частными производными.
М.: Физматгиз, 1961.
- Положий Г. Н.
Уравнения математической физики.
М.: Высшая школа, 1964.
- Полянин А. Д.
Справочник по линейным уравнениям математической физики. М.: Физматлит, 2001.
- Соболев С. Л.
Уравнения математической физики.
М.: Наука, 1966.
- Тихонов А. Н., Самарский А. А.
Уравнения математической физики, 7-е изд.
М.: Издательство МГУ, 2004.
- Фаддеев Л. Д. (ред).
Математическая физика: Энциклопедия.
М.: Большая российская энциклопедия, 1998.
Книги на английском языке
- Akulenko, L. D. and Nesterov, S. V.,
High Precision Methods in Eigenvalue Problems and their Applications,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004.
- Arnold, V. I.,
Lectures on Partial Differential Equations,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.
- Butkov, E.,
Mathematical Physics,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1968.
- Butkovskiy, A. G.,
Green's Functions and Transfer Functions Handbook,
Halstead Press–John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982.
- Cap, F. F.,
Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering with Mathematica,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2003.
- Carslaw, H. S. and Jaeger, J. C.,
Conduction of Heat in Solids,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984.
- Coleman, M. P.,
An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLAB,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004.
- Colton, D.,
Partial Differential Equations. An Introduction,
Random House, New York, 1988.
- Constanda, C.,
Solution Techniques for Elementary Partial Differential Equations,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002.
- Courant, R. and Hilbert, D.,
Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vols 1 and 2,
Wiley–Interscience Publ., New York, 1989.
- Crank, J.,
The Mathematics of Diffusion,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975.
- Dezin, A. A.,
Partial Differential Equations. An
Introduction to a General Theory of Linear Boundary Value Problems,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987.
- Duffy, D. G.,
Transform Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations, Second Edition,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004.
- Farlow, S. J.,
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982.
- Finlayson, B. A.,
The Method of Weighted Residuals and Variational Principles,
Academic Press, New York, 1972.
- Guenther, R. B. and Lee, J. W.,
Partial Differential
Equations of Mathematical Physics and Integral Equations,
Dover Publ., Mineola, 1996.
- Haberman, R.,
Elementary Applied Partial Differential
Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1987.
- Hörmander, L.,
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators. II.
Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin–New York, 1983.
- Hörmander, L.,
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators. I.
Distribution Theory and Fourier Analysis,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990.
- John, F.,
Partial Differential Equations,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982.
- Kythe, P. K., Puri, P., and Schaferkotter, M. R.,
Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems with Mathematica, Second Edition,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2003.
- Lee, H.J. and Schiesser, W.E.,
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple, and MATLAB,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004.
- Leis, R.,
Initial-Boundary Value Problems in Mathematical Physics,
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1986.
- Mackie, A. G.,
Boundary Value Problems,
Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1989.
- Miller, W. (Jr.),
Symmetry and Separation of Variables,
Addison-Wesley, London, 1977.
- Moon, P. and Spencer, D. E.,
Field Theory Handbook, including Coordinate Systems, Differential
Equations and their Solutions, 3rd Edition,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
- Morse, P. M. and Feshbach, H.,
Methods of Theoretical Physics, Vols. 1–2,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953.
- Myint-U, T. and Debnath, L.,
Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers,
North-Holland Publ., New York, 1987.
- Nazaykinskiy, V. E., Schulze, B.-W., and Sternin, B. Yu.,
Quantization Methods in the Theory of Differential Equations,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002.
- Nikiforov, A. F. and Uvarov, V. B.,
Special Functions of Mathematical Physics.
A Unified Introduction with Applications,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel-Boston, 1988.
- Petrovsky, I. G.,
Lectures on Partial Differential Equations,
Dover Publ., New York, 1991.
- Pinsky, M. A.,
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with Applications,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984.
- Polyanin, A. D.,
Handbook of Linear Partial Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002.
- Seremet, V. D.,
Handbook of Green’s Functions and Matrices,
WIT Press, Boston, 2003.
- Sneddon, I. N.,
Fourier Transformations,
Dover Publ., New York, 1995.
- Stakgold, I.,
Green's Functions and Boundary Value Problems, Second Edition,
Wiley–Interscience, New York, 1998.
- Stakgold, I.,
Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics, Vols. 1 and 2,
SIAM, Philadelphia, 2000.
- Strauss, W. A.,
Partial Differential Equations. An Introduction,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1992.
- Taylor, M.,
Partial Differential Equations,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996.
- Temme, N. M.,
Special Functions. An Introduction to the
Classical Functions of Mathematical Physics,
Wiley–Interscience Publ., New York, 1996.
- Tikhonov, A. N. and Samarskii, A. A.,
Equations of Mathematical Physics,
Dover Publ., New York, 1990.
- Vvedensky, D.,
Partial Differential Equations,
Addison-Wesley, Wakingham, 1993.
- Zachmanoglou, E. C. and Thoe, D. W.,
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with Applications,
Dover Publ., New York, 1986.
- Zauderer, E.,
Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics,
Wiley–Interscience Publ., New York, 1989.
- Zwillinger, D.,
Handbook of Differential Equations, 3rd ed.,
Academic Press, Boston, 1997.
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