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Linear Diffusion Equations

  1. wt = awxx.    Diffusion equation.
  2. wt = awxx + Φ(x, t).    Diffusion equation with a source.
  3. wt = awxx + bwx + cw + Φ(x, t).    Convective diffusion equation with a source.
  4. wt = a(wrr + r−1wr).    Diffusion equation with axial symmetry.
  5. wt = a(wrr + r−1wr) + Φ(r, t).    Diffusion equation with axial symmetry (with a source).
  6. wt = a(wrr + 2r−1wr).    Diffusion equation with central symmetry.
  7. wt = a(wrr + 2r−1wr) + Φ(r, t).    Diffusion equation with central symmetry (with a source).

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Copyright © 2004-2017 Andrei D. Polyanin