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Linear Systems of Two Ordinary Differential Equations

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1. Linear Systems of Two Ordinary Differential Equations
1.1. Systems of First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations;
x = x(t), y = y(t)
x′ = ax + by,
y′ = cx + dy.
x′ = a1x + b1y + c1,
y′ = a2x + b2y + c2.
x′ = f(t)x + g(t)y,
y′ = g(t)x + f(t)y.
x′ = f(t)x + g(t)y,
y′ = −g(t)x + f(t)y.
x′ = f(t)x + g(t)y,
y′ = ag(t)x + [f(t) + bg(t)]y.
x′ = f(t)x + g(t)y,
y′ = a[f(t) + ah(t)]x + a[g(t) − h(t)]y.
x′ = f(t)x + g(t)y,
y′ = h(t)x + p(t)y.
1.2. Systems of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations;
x = x(t), y = y(t)
x″ = ax + by,
y″ = cx + dy.
x″ = a1x + b1y + c1,
y″ = a2x + b2y + c2.
x″ − ay′ + bx = 0,
y″ + ax′ + by = 0.
x″ + a1x′ + b1y′ +
c1x + d1y =
y″ + a2x′ + b2y′ +
c2x + d2y =
x″ = a(ty′ − y),
y″ = b(tx′ − x).
x″ = f(t)(a1x + b1y),
y″ = f(t)(a2x + b2y).
x″ = f(t)(a1x′ + b1y′),
y″ = f(t)(a2x′ + b2y′).
x″ = af(t)(ty′ − y),
y″ = bf(t)(tx′ − x).
t2x″ + a1tx′ + b1ty′ +
c1x + d1y = 0,
t2y″ + a2tx′ + b2ty′ +
c2x + d2y = 0.
(αt2 + βt + σ)2x″ = ax + by,
(αt2 + βt + σ)2y″ = cx + dy.
x″ = f(t)(tx′ − x) +
g(t)(ty′ − y),
y″ = h(t)(tx′ − x) +
p(t)(ty′ − y).
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