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2. Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations

2.1. Nonlinear Wave Equations of the Form wtt = awxx + f(w)

  1. wtt = awxx + aw + bwn.    Klein--Gordon equation with a power-law nonlinearity.
  2. wtt = wxx + awn + bw2n−1.    Klein--Gordon equation with a power-law nonlinearity.
  3. wtt = a2wxx + beβw.    Modified Liouville equation.
  4. wtt = wxx + aeβw + bew.    Klein--Gordon equation with a exponential nonlinearity.
  5. wtt = awxx + b sinh(λw).    Sinh--Gordon equation.
  6. wtt = awxx + b sin(λw).    Sine--Gordon equation.
  7. wtt = wxx + f(w).    Nonlinear Klein--Gordon equation.

2.2. Other Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations

  1. wtt = a(wwx)x.
  2. wtt = a(wnwx)x + bwk.
  3. wtt = a(eλwwx)x.
  4. wtt = axn(xnwx)x + f(w).
  5. wtt = [a(x + b)nwx]x + f(w).
  6. wtt = a(eλxwx)x + f(w).
  7. wtt = [f(w)wx]x.

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