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Index of Named Mathematical Physics Equations
Mathematical Physics Equations - Index
- anisotropic diffusion equation
- anisotropic heat equation
- biharmonic equation, homogeneous
- biharmonic equation, nonhomogeneous
- boundary layer equation
- boundary layer equation, with pressure gradient
- Boussinesq equation
- Burgers equation
- diffusion equation
- diffusion equation, linear nonhomogeneous
- diffusion equation, linear with axial symmetry
- diffusion equation, linear with central symmetry
- diffusion equation, nonlinear
- diffusion equation, nonlinear, anisotropic
- diffusion equation, nonlinear general
- diffusion equation, nonlinear general, with volume reaction
- diffusion equation, stationary with a nonlinear source
- diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (i)
- diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (ii)
- diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (iii)
- diffusion equations, linear
- equation of motion of viscous fluid
- equation of steady transonic gas flow
- equation of transverse vibration of elastic rods
- equation of vibration of a gas with central symmetry
- elliptic equations, linear
- elliptic equations, nonlinear
- Fisher equation
- FitzHugh-Nagumo equation
- heat equation, linear homogeneous
- heat equation, linear nonhomogeneous
- heat equation, linear with axial symmetry
- heat equation, linear with central symmetry
- heat equation, nonlinear, anisotropic
- heat equation, nonlinear general
- heat equation, nonlinear general, with a source
- heat equation, stationary with a nonlinear source
- heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (i)
- heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (ii)
- heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (iii)
- heat equation with a power-law nonlinearity
- heat equation with a exponential nonlinearity
- heat equations, linear
- Helmholtz equation
- hydrodynamic boundary layer equation
- hydrodynamic boundary layer equation, with pressure gradient
- hyperbolic equations, linear
- hyperbolic equations, nonlinear
- Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya equation
- Klein-Gordon equation
- Klein-Gordon equation, linear homogeneous
- Klein-Gordon equation, linear nonhomogeneous
- Klein-Gordon equation, nonlinear
- Korteweg-de Vries equation
- Korteweg-de Vries equation, cylindrical
- Korteweg-de Vries equation, generalized
- Korteweg-de Vries equation, modified
- Laplace equation
- mathematical biology systems
- mathematical physics equations, first order
- mathematical physics equations, education
- mathematical physics equations, linear
- mathematical physics equations, methods
- mathematical physics equations, nonlinear
- mathematical physics equations, systems
- Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), homogeneous
- Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), nonhomogeneous (i)
- Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), nonhomogeneous (ii)
- Newell-Whitehead equation
- Navier-Stokes equations
- nonlinear systems of two elliptic equations
- nonlinear systems of two hyperbolic equations
- nonlinear systems of two parabolic equations
- parabolic equations, linear
- parabolic equations, nonlinear
- Poisson equation
- reaction-diffusion systems, nonlinear
- Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation), linear
- Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation) with a cubic nonlinearity
- Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation) with a power-law nonlinearity
- Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation), nonlinear of a general form
- sine-Gordon equation
- sinh-Gordon equation
- stationary heat equation with a nonlinear source
- systems of general form, linear and nonlinear
- telegraph equation
- Tricomi equation
- wave equation, linear homogeneous
- wave equation, linear nonhomogeneous
- wave equation, linear with axial symmetry
- wave equation, nonlinear (encountered in gas dynamics)
- wave equations, linear
- wave equations, nonlinear

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