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Equation Index

Index of Named Algebraic Equations

  1. Algebraic equation, general form, nth degree
  2. binomial algebraic equation, nth degree
  3. biquadratic equation
  4. cubic equation
  5. generalized reciprocal equation
  6. linear (algebraic) equation
  7. modified reciprocal equation
  8. quadratic equation
  9. quartic equation, general form
  10. reciprocal (algebraic) equation, 4th degree
  11. reciprocal (algebraic) equation, nth degree
  12. reciprocal equation, generalized, 4th degree
  13. reciprocal equation, modified, 4th degree
  14. system of two linear (algebraic) equations
  15. system of n linear (algebraic) equations

Index of Named Ordinary Differential Equations

  1. Abel differential equation, second kind
  2. Abel differential equation, second kind, canonical form
  3. Abel differential equation, second kind, special case
  4. autonomous equation, first-order
  5. autonomous equation, second-order (i)
  6. autonomous equation, second-order (ii)
  7. autonomous system of general form
  8. Bernoulli equation
  9. Bessel equation
  10. Bessel equation, modified
  11. Clairaut system
  12. constant coefficient linear differential equation, second-order
  13. constant coefficient linear differential equation, nth-order
  14. damped vibrations equation
  15. degenerate hypergeometric equation
  16. Emden-Fowler equation
  17. equation of transverse vibrations of a pointed bar
  18. equations of motion of a point mass in central force field
  19. equations of motion of a point mass in gravitational field (n = 2)
  20. equations of motion of a point mass in gravitational field (n = 3)
  21. equations of motion of a projectile
  22. Ermakov (Yermakov) equation
  23. Ermakov (Yermakov) system
  24. Euler equation, second-order
  25. Euler equation, nth-order
  26. free oscillations equation
  27. Gaussian hypergeometric equation
  28. generalized Ermakov (Yermakov) system
  29. homogeneous equation, first-order
  30. homogeneous equation, first-order, generalized
  31. homogeneous equation, second-order
  32. homogeneous equation, second-order, generalized (i)
  33. homogeneous equation, second-order, generalized (ii)
  34. hypergeometric equation
  35. hypergeometric equation, degenerate
  36. Legendre equation, special case (i)
  37. Legendre equation, special case (ii)
  38. Legendre equation
  39. Lienard equation
  40. linear differential equation, first-order
  41. linear differential equations, second-order
  42. linear differential equations, higher-order
  43. linear systems of three differential equations
  44. linear systems of two differential equations
  45. Lorenz equations
  46. Mathieu equation
  47. Mathieu equation, modified
  48. modified Bessel equation
  49. modified Mathieu equation
  50. nonlinear differential equations, second-order
  51. nonlinear differential equations, higher-order
  52. nonlinear systems of three differential equations
  53. nonlinear systems of two differential equations
  54. Riccati equation, general
  55. Riccati equation, special
  56. separable equation
  57. systems of three linear differential equations
  58. systems of three nonlinear differential equations
  59. systems of two linear differential equations
  60. systems of two nonlinear differential equations
  61. Yermakov (Ermakov) equation
  62. Yermakov (Ermakov) system

Index of Named Partial Differential Equations

  1. anisotropic heat/diffusion equation
  2. biharmonic equation, homogeneous
  3. biharmonic equation, nonhomogeneous
  4. Boussinesq equation
  5. Burgers equation
  6. delay reaction-diffusion equations
  7. diffusion equation
  8. diffusion equations, linear
  9. equation of motion of viscous fluid
  10. equation of steady transonic gas flow
  11. equation of transverse vibration of elastic rods
  12. equation of vibration of a gas with central symmetry
  13. elliptic equations, linear
  14. elliptic equations, nonlinear
  15. first-order partial differential equations, linear
  16. first-order partial differential equations, quasilinear
  17. first-order partial differential equations, nonlinear
  18. Fisher equation
  19. FitzHugh-Nagumo equation
  20. heat and mass transfer equation, nonlinear, with volume reaction
  21. heat equation, linear homogeneous
  22. heat equation, linear nonhomogeneous
  23. heat equation, linear with axial symmetry
  24. heat equation, linear with central symmetry
  25. heat equation, nonlinear
  26. heat equation, nonlinear general
  27. heat equation, nonlinear general, with a source
  28. heat equation, stationary with a nonlinear source
  29. heat equation with a power-law nonlinearity
  30. heat equation with a exponential nonlinearity
  31. heat equations, linear
  32. heat/mass transfer equation for anisotropic media with volume reaction (i)
  33. heat/mass transfer equation for anisotropic media with volume reaction (ii)
  34. heat/mass transfer equation for anisotropic media with volume reaction (iii)
  35. Helmholtz equation
  36. hydrodynamic boundary layer equation
  37. hydrodynamic boundary layer equation, with pressure gradient
  38. hyperbolic equations, linear
  39. Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya equation
  40. Klein-Gordon equation, linear homogeneous
  41. Klein-Gordon equation, linear nonhomogeneous
  42. Klein-Gordon equation, nonlinear
  43. Korteweg-de Vries equation
  44. Korteweg-de Vries equation, cylindrical
  45. Korteweg-de Vries equation, generalized
  46. Korteweg-de Vries equation, modified
  47. Laplace equation
  48. mathematical biology systems
  49. Monge-Ampere (Monge-Ampère) equation, homogeneous
  50. Monge-Ampere (Monge-Ampère) equation, nonhomogeneous (i)
  51. Monge-Ampere (Monge-Ampère) equation, nonhomogeneous (ii)
  52. Navier-Stokes equations
  53. Newell-Whitehead equation
  54. nonlinear systems of two elliptic equations
  55. nonlinear systems of two hyperbolic equations
  56. nonlinear systems of two parabolic equations
  57. parabolic equations, linear
  58. parabolic equations, nonlinear
  59. Poisson equation
  60. reaction-diffusion equations, delay
  61. reaction-diffusion systems, nonlinear
  62. Schrodinger (Schrödinger) equation, linear
  63. Schrodinger (Schrödinger) equation with a cubic nonlinearity
  64. Schrodinger (Schrödinger) equation with a power-law nonlinearity
  65. Schrodinger (Schrödinger) equation, nonlinear of a general form
  66. sine-Gordon equation
  67. sinh-Gordon equation
  68. stationary heat equation with a nonlinear source
  69. systems of general form, linear and nonlinear
  70. systems of reaction-diffusion equations
  71. telegraph equation
  72. Tricomi equation
  73. wave equation, linear homogeneous
  74. wave equation, linear nonhomogeneous
  75. wave equation, linear with axial symmetry
  76. wave equation, nonlinear (encountered in gas dynamics)
  77. wave equations, linear
  78. wave equations, nonlinear

Index of Named Integral Equations

  1. Abel integral equation
  2. Abel integral equation, generalized
  3. Abel integral equation, second kind
  4. Abel integral equation, second kind, generalized
  5. Carleman's equation
  6. Fredholm integral equation, first kind
  7. Fredholm integral equation, second kind
  8. generalized Abel integral equation
  9. generalized Abel integral equation, second kind
  10. Lalesco-Picard equation
  11. Volterra integral equations, second kind
  12. linear integral equations with constant limits of integration, first kind
  13. linear integral equations with constant limits of integration, second kind
  14. linear integral equations with variable limit of integration, first kind
  15. linear integral equations with variable limit of integration, second kind
  16. nonlinear integral equations with constant limits of integration
  17. nonlinear integral equations with variable limit of integration
  18. renewal equation
  19. Schlomilch (Schlömilch) equation
  20. Tricomi's equation
  21. Volterra integral equations, first kind
  22. Volterra integral equations, second kind
  23. Wiener-Hopf equation, first kind
  24. Wiener-Hopf equation, second kind

Index of Named Functional Equations

  1. Babbage equation (equation of involutory functions)
  2. basic equation of information theory
  3. bilinear functional equation (i)
  4. bilinear functional equation (ii)
  5. Cantor's first equation
  6. Cantor's second equation
  7. Cauchy's equation
  8. Cauchy's equation, exponential
  9. Cauchy's equation, logarithmic
  10. Cauchy's equation, power-law
  11. constant-coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation, first-order
  12. constant-coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation, second-order
  13. constant-coefficient linear homogeneous difference equation, nth-order
  14. constant-coefficient linear nonhomogeneous difference equation, first-order
  15. constant-coefficient linear nonhomogeneous difference equation, second-order
  16. constant-coefficient linear nonhomogeneous difference equation, nth-order
  17. D'Alembert equation
  18. difference equations with one independent variable
  19. exponential Cauchy equation
  20. Gauss equation
  21. homogeneity equation
  22. Jensen equation
  23. linear functional equations with one independent variable
  24. linear functional equations with several independent variables
  25. Lobachevsky equation
  26. logarithmic Cauchy equation
  27. nonlinear functional equations with one independent variable
  28. nonlinear functional equations with several independent variables
  29. Pexider's equation
  30. power-law Cauchy equation

Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists

Handbook of Integral Equations, 2nd Edition

Handbook of Exact Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd Edition

Handbook of Linear Partial Differential Equations

Handbook of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Handbook of Integral Equations

Handbook of First Order Partial Differential Equations

Handbook of Exact Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations, 1st Edition

The EqWorld website presents extensive information on solutions to various classes of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, integral equations, functional equations, and other mathematical equations.

Copyright © 2004-2017 Andrei D. Polyanin